Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Determined to be an Ironman

With my lack of momentum over Thanksgiving I was feeling a little down about my progress. Today I found out Full Tilt is giving an end of year bonus for Ironman qualifiers. If I get "Silver" for the month I get an extra $50 ($25 for bronze). That seems like incentive enough for me to grind out the month. I'll need to play about 1.5 hours for each of at least 20 days this month for silver.

That $50 will be in addition to my normal rakeback and winnings. So just from rakeback/bonus I should expect at least $150, or roughly $5 per hour. Let's just hope I can win a little on top of that too. To better facilitate this effort I will be playing four tables at a time, three $.50/$1.00 and one $1/$2. This is aggressive and risky, but I'm going to give it a shot.

Also, my wife thinks it's very funny that the "Ironman" requires one to sit in front of their computer clicking a mouse for hours on end.

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